The first part of the building is now nearing lock-up. The kitchen, dining room and guest room section is ready for its roof. The landscapers, the twins Wes and Beau, have been in preparing the ground and planting the bank between the library and the cemetery as well as out front.
The building takes shape- kitchen dining and guest room to the left |
The ceiling in the chapel is now in place and we can begin to imagine the chapel space as it will be.
Chapel- with curved ceiling |
There are three large windows which face north and which will have a lovely view over the property.
Chapel windows |
The first of the bedrooms (number 4) of the brethren now almost has its walls complete. It is now possible to get the feeling of the room.
Bedroom 4- looking north |
The bank outside the library has now been landscaped. Closer to the house a number of grevilleas have been planted. We asked for native plants that would attract birds. As we already have many birds it could be said we asked for plants that will attract more and different native birds. One of the new delights of the property is the sound of bell birds.
Newly landscaped bank |
The car park is now taking shape. The heavy machinery is very noisy. This is not that helpful to those on retreat. This week we had the seminarians from Good Shepherd Seminary, Homebush on silent retreat. They were admirably silent. Unfortunately our site wasn't. Well at least from 7.00am to 3.00pm. St Teresa's hermitage is very close to the car park. We will make sure it is private by the use of landscaping.
Car park |
Bellbirds - hhmmm. Beautiful sound but a growing menace.