The end of our old main electricity switchboard |
Our new main electricity switchboard |
We now have walls! |
The brickies had a seminar on how to lay Timbercrete on Monday. They picked up some important tips. They laid two courses around most of the main entry block of the new priory. Then these were capped with an anti-pest layer. Finally and with care and precision they began to build up the walls of the building. Here you can see something of the final look of the walls of the priory in the photo above. I am very happy with how it looks. What do you think?
On Friday I attended a hearing at Mittagong of the NSW Upper House Inquiry into Coal Seam Gas. With Jacqui Kirkby I gave evidence on behalf of the Scenic Hills Association. Srs Jennifer and Jocelyn from the Carmelite nuns made a separate presentation that was well received. In fact Joc was interviewed by a reporter from ABC Radio. This was broadcast on the AM programme this morning. The report is entitled "David vs Goliath as nuns take on CSG industry". Here is the link
Rebecca Barrett from ABC TV News followed up this afternoon and interviewed Joc and Paul Maunder, our prior. It was telecast during the main evening news. We were very impressed by both Joc and Paul and the sensitive way in which the ABC portrayed how CSG extraction will affect the retreat centre, our life and that of the sisters.
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