Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunday, 18 December

It has been a great week.  It has been cool with little or no rain.  And so it has been a week for building.  Some days there have been crowds of men swarming over the site.

The brickies have been working very diligently.  What is wonderful to see is the pride they take in their work.  They want to make sure the Timbercrete walls look the best.  I am delighted with the colour of the dry mortar and the overall honey colour effect. 
Looking into the entrance foyer
As well as the brickies the steel fabricators have been back and we can now see the corridor taking shape and the roof line of the bedrooms. 
Looking up the corridor.
In the photo below you can see the corridor from the foyer.  The library is on the left the meeting room is straight ahead and an office is to the right.

Looking towards the meeting room

When we were seeking city council approval for our building we had to submits many engineers reports.  One of the concerns was for the thermal insulation of the building.  We had to have a cavity wall with a layer of insulation between the blocks.  The R rating of our walls is R3.9.  This is impressive.
Insulation in the cavity between the blocks
This morning I was showing a retreatant over the site when I was surprised to see Gordon working away on a Sunday.  While I had said nothing Gordon was quick to explain.  It turns out he wasn't working at all.  He was doing penance.  He is a penitent.  A Lutheran penitent!

It is just four working days before Christmas.  Then there will be a break for a fortnight before work recommences.

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